About our Software

We have developed solutions to help medical laboratories stay ahead of compliance requirements through paperless and daily monitoring for laboratory compliance using our electronic monitoring program – the Compliance Portal.
We identified, through years of monitoring for our clients, the need for paperless and daily monitoring support for laboratories. Our mission is to help laboratories achieve and remain in compliance.
Through our web portal we can monitor all laboratory information for moderate to high complexity testing compliance on a daily basis that monitors daily QC, Calibrations, New Lot Verification, and daily temperatures and much, much more.
Our software is customized to each laboratory’s needs. The program gives an alerts page of what needs to be performed from taking daily temperatures to performing quality controls, maintenance, and much more. Once the alert is clicked on it will take the user right to the requirement needed to be performed for the day, week, month, etc. All information is tracked in the software program and will never disappear once the information is entered.
Our program is not a one program fits all kind of concept. It is created to meet each laboratories needs and is completely customized by our trained staff to develop your specific requirements.
Equally important, we provide the training and support for this new solution that ensures your staff can ramp up quickly.
- Immediate access from any computer to document daily compliance requirements
- Immediate alerts when compliance entries are incorrect or invalid
- Immediate corrective action documentation for laboratory issues
- Administrative access 24/7 to monitor the laboratory compliance
A & J Laboratory Consultants developed this unique program to give peace of mind that your labs will always stay inspection ready and in-compliance.
Please contact us for more information on our contact us page.